We always guarantee same-day appointments for urgent matters. |
Dr. Niziol cares for children, adolescents, adults, and geriatrics. He is able to provide urgent care for minor emergencies such as lacerations needing sutures, sprains, strains, bee stings, bruises, and burns. By coming to our office instead of waiting at the hospital for minor emergencies, you will save time and and headaches. See a full list of services performed in-office by clicking here.
Why choose Dr. Niziol? Dr. Niziol is a board-certified family physician with thirty five years of experience. He scored a 100% on his medical boards in 2014 in ambulatory care. Unlike other physicians in the area, Dr. Niziol chooses not to be "contracted" to refer patients to a set list of specialists and hospitals even though doing so might financially benefit him. This means Dr. Niziol's patients can go to any specialist in the country if necessary. Independence allows Dr. Niziol to provide the best possible care and impartial advice to his patients. He is the only doctor in the area who remains independent, putting the patient's needs first and foremost in every situation. To become a patient: It is not necessary to make an appointment to establish care, just call us when you are next in need of a physical or to be seen for an acute issue and we will schedule an appointment. Please remember to bring your insurance card with you to every appointment, and arrive a few minutes early to fill out paperwork. We accept almost all insurances, although we are not accepting new Medicare or Tricare patients at this time. If you want to check that we accept your insurance before you come in, just give us a call at 607-844-8201. Please note: We do not prescribe narcotics to our patients, if you require narcotics prescriptions for pain management or any other issue, please see a pain management specialist. |